Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly...

Can't believe I haven't updated this since June. So much has been happening. First off, we moved into a house in October- I love it. We have so much space. We have our own yard, 2 bedrooms, a garage..just so much space. We love it! Secondly, I finished another semester with 2 A's & 2 B's. Quite an accomplishment especially for how busy I've been in the past few months. Things at work have calmed down. Josh & I are the same ol'- which is good in my book. :)

Unfortunately along with all the good updates, come some bad. In October- my uncle Ray found out he had lung cancer & had to get half his lobe removed- he's stage 1. 2 weeks after this- my other uncle Steve found out he has cancer, but his is much worse-stage 4. It's already in his lungs, brain, and bones. He fell at home & broke his femur. I deal with cancer patients every day in my office and for some reason- I never thought I'd see my own family members in there. Its tough. My family has relied on me to answer their questions, check on them, let them know what to expect,etc. I've been trying my best to help & comfort everyone. But it's hard b.c I'm trying to be the strong one. When inside- I'm falling apart.

I also found out one of my lab results have come back irregular & now I need to have some things checked out further. With all the cancer floating around in my family & what I see on a daily basis, of course, I think the worst. All of this has happened in a few short months. I'm trying my best to remain the strong one. That's always been my job. I pretend that I'm fine & strong, but when I get alone- I just fall to pieces. I've got such a great support system, Josh is amazing. He is so great about helping me see the bright side. I have tons of family & friends who are all praying for myself & my family. It's been a rough end of the year, but I think we'll get through it all somehow.

2012 is almost over & there is one important thing I've learned: Don't sweat the small stuff. You need to stop & smell the roses every once in a while....

Tonight, along with your prayers- just add one small sentence & add myself & my family to the end. And I will do the same for you.


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