Friday, May 4, 2012

Yeah for Summer!

The Spring '12 semester is officially over! Thank goodness. I got my grades back as well. 3 A's and 1 B. All that stood between me and a 4.0 is .23. That will haunt me for the rest of my life I think. I should feel more proud of myself, right? I mean, I went through a lot this semester. I had a health scare, my dad had a health scare, and I went through a bit of depression. I had a lot on my mind, so I should be proud of myself. I've come a long way.

I've only got two.more.semesters. I cant believe it! I was even tossing the idea around of going for my Bachelor's at WKU-O. But, I think I will take a little time off before starting that. I will have all 3 associate's under my belt. That has to count for something, right?

I am still loving my job, but I think some big changes are coming. I applied for a job in a new position, but same department. My supervisor actually recommended me for the position. Im not going to get my hopes up. I wont be floating near as much, which has its advantages and disadvantages. I am just going to see where things take me and where I end up.

Now that I have some free time, I am going to start working on myself again. I have some health issues that have been weighing heavy on me, but its not excuse. I just have to work harder. I have a goal in mind and I've hit it once, I can hit it again! I have to get in shape. I am sick of feeling this way. It'll be my graduation present to myself.

All in all, things are great right now. (knocking on wood) I am excited to get this summer started! I have so much I want to do and I can't wait to get started!

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