Sunday, December 25, 2011

Remember the reason for the season.....

Well, its the night of Christmas's just about over. What a great few days with my family and Josh. I am thankful for the time with them. It takes so long to prepare for this, I start shopping the day after Christmas and then all throughout the year for those "special" deals. I put so much time and effort into finding that "perfect" gift for everyone. I love the part of giving more than receiving. I love to watch people's face light up when they open their gifts. But for some people that isn't the case.

Next year we will be doing things alot differently. I will not be buying people presents who could care less to spend time with us. I will not be buying anything for people who spend less than a few minutes with us and could care less the whole time they are in our presence. That's not what Christmas is about. Christmas isn't just about opening gifts. First and foremost is about Jesus. Secondly you should spend it with friends and family. You have 360+ other days in the year you can spend on your phone and on facebook. A few people really just got under my skin this year and I don't like to be hurt.

Josh and I had a great Christmas. We try to make it so special. Its not the extravagant gifts we get for one another..its the time we share together. We usually go look at lights together, open our stockings from each other and then take our time opening gifts. We reminisce on the past year and all the memories we've had. This year he even brought me to tears with a few of my gifts. :) I am so thankful to have such a great man in my life. And I am truly thankful to have such a great family who loves me. I would give back all my gifts for their love and presence..any day.
I hope you all had a wonderful day...Merry Christmas to you all from Josh, Rondo, and myself.

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