Friday, December 30, 2011

I thought we'd be living like the Jetson's by now.

Another year has come and gone. I cant believe its 2012!!!! 10 years ago I thought we'd all be driving space ships and flying cars like the Jetsons. I thought at the ripe old age of 27 :) I would be close to marriage, graduated, and possibly with a child. Well, needless to say...none of those have happened. 2011 was a year of tests for me I think. My strength was severely tested and I think I did okay with it all. A lot has changed..some for the bad and some for the good. I just want to put this year behind me and start over.

I usually have about 47839827432 resolutions and then I get pissed off that I didn't follow through with them. I mean, that's a little ridiculous. How in the world can you work on your attitude, weight, social life, life goals all at once?? This year I'm taking a different approach. I am working on one thing at a time. First and foremost, I need a job. Secondly, I am going to concentrate on school. Then after that..well the same thing year after weight. Lastly...well..Im not gonna get a head of myself. I'm gonna do one thing at a time until I achieve everything I want. This WILL be my year! I WILL succeed. I WILL get on top again. I just have to stay positive!

When it rains it pours with me for some reason, this has been proven. But there are people who had a much worse year than me. Some people lost loved ones, became homeless, became a drug addict, got divorced, cheated on, abused....MUCH worse. I have to look at it that way. It's not always the easiest thing, but I just have to keep my head up.

2012 will be a good year and its my choice to make it that way. I create my destiny. I choose to live the life I want.

A few things I have to look forward job, meeting new people, becoming an aunt again, narrowly escaping the "Forever 27" club (not that I'm famous..but hey)...the list goes on and on. I am excited to see what this year holds. I'm gonna take more time for myself, love much, laugh more, and cry less!!

I hope you all say goodbye to 2011, confident in that 2012 will bring even more greatness for you.....because...I know I can!

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